Meiosis pattern - Unidirectional data flow web applications using streams


After using ReactJS for two years, along with all its ecosystem (Redux for state management, Redux-saga for managing side-effects, etc.) I wanted to experiment with a simpler approach where I was not forced to use many framework specific libraries, but at the same time having the same uni-directional flow of data and the ease of UI creation using components.

A few months ago, I came across Mithril, a lightweight component based framework which uses pure Javascript objects for its components. I was instantly hooked and wanted to use it in all my personal projects.

How can I get the state management I want without being tied to a framework so that I can use Mithril or React interchangeably without issues?


My answer is using Meiosis pattern.


In order to properly understand the solution let’s go over some basics regarding streams.

There are several Javascript stream libraries but for the rest of the article I will use Mithril/stream.

Meiosis requires three basic operations on streams:

  1. Updating the stream value
  2. Mapping over the stream in order to listen for updates to the stream’s value
  3. Scanning over the stream in order to calculate accumulated value after every update

Updating the stream value

import * as ms from 'mithril/stream'

const s = ms()
console.log(s())  // 1
console.log(s())  // 11

The example above shows that just calling a stream as a function will return the latest value of the stream, and supplying a value to the function application will update the stream’s value.

Also, the fact that the stream itself is a function can be super useful since it can be composed into more complex functions.

import * as ms from 'mithril/stream'

const s = ms() => console.log(`updated value: ${value}`))

s(1)    // prints "updated value: 1"
s(20)   // prints "updated value: 20"
s(311)  // prints "updated value: 311"

The operation is simple. It just executes a given function every time the stream value is updated, and also returns a new stream. The return value of the given function after every execution becomes the new value for the stream returned by the call to map().


import * as ms from 'mithril/stream'

const accumulate = (accumulator, value) => accumulator * value
const processValue = value => console.log(value)

const s = ms()
const scanned = ms.scan(accumulate, 1, s)

s(1)    // prints 1
s(2)    // prints 2
s(5)    // prints 10
s(100)  // prints 1000
s(0.5)  // prints 500

The distilled functionality of Stream.scan is that whenever the value of the source stream (s) changes, the accumulate function is called being passed the current accumulator value and the new source stream value. The return value will become the new value of the scanned stream and the accumulator value being passed to the next accumulate invocation.

The fascinating idea here is that a stream can have functions as its values.

In the following example we pass functions as values and as a result we can apply different operations on the accumulator value each time.

import * as ms from 'mithril/stream'

const update = (accumulator, fn) => fn(accumulator)
const processValue = value => console.log(value)

const s = ms()
const scanned = ms.scan(update, 1, s)

s(value => value + 1)         // prints 2
s(value => value - 1)         // prints 1
s(value => value * 10)        // prints 10
s(value => 1234)              // prints 1234
s(value => value / 2)         // prints 617

Spend a few minutes to fully understand the above example because it’s the bread and butter of the Meiosis pattern.

Notice how we pass functions in the stream and by the use of scan they are applied in order transforming the stream accumulated value.

Meiosis Pattern

The Meiosis website is doing an amazing job describing the pattern and includes a brief video showcasing how to use the pattern.

Meiosis was inspired by similar projects striving for unidirectional flow of data to make state management easy like SAM Pattern, Elm Architecture, CycleJS, and others.

The whole Meiosis pattern is contained in the following code:

import * as ms from 'mithril/stream'

class AppModel {
  counter: number = 0
type ModelUpdateFunction = (model: AppModel) => AppModel
type UpdateStream = ms.Stream<ModelUpdateFunction>

const createApp = (update: UpdateStream) : MeiosisApp => ({ 
  initialModel: ..., view: ..., render: ...

const setupMeiosis = (
  createApp: (s: UpdateStream) => MeiosisApp,
  container: Element
) => {
  const update = ms<ModelUpdateFunction>()
  const modelUpdate = (model: AppModel, fn: ModelUpdateFunction) => fn(model)

  const app = createApp(update)

  const models = ms.scan(modelUpdate, app.initialModel(), update) => app.render(container, app.view(model)))

setupMeiosis(createApp, document.body.querySelector('#app') as Element)

Let’s examine each section separately to fully understand the pattern.

const update = ms<ModelUpdateFunction>()

The code above creates the update stream that has functions as its values. These functions receive an AppModel and return a new AppModel. These functions are going to be our actions, that are triggered either by a user interaction or by an asynchronous task, fetch, etc.

const app = createApp(update)

This creates our application, which receives the update stream that will be used by the application’s actions.

In addition, the app exposes three methods:

  • initialModel() returns the initial AppModel which will act as the bootstrapping model for the application.
  • view(model) receives the latest AppModel and returns the view to be rendered. This view can be of any framework (e.g. React, Mithril).
  • render(element, view) receives the application view, and the DOM element to which the view will be rendered. Meiosis does not care about the framework used as long as there is functionality to render a view on-demand. Mithril, React, Preact, Inferno, etc. are able to do this efficiently with the use of virtual dom.
const models = ms.scan(modelUpdate, app.initialModel(), update) => app.render(container, app.view(model)))

This is the juicy part of the pattern.

The models stream is a scanned stream over the update stream. This means that any function passed into the update stream, due to the scan functionality described previously, will be used to transform the current application model into a new model, and then set that model as value in the models stream.

The second line applies a map operation over the models stream. This will render the application view using the updated application model every time there is a new value pushed to the update stream. Remember that the values of the update stream are functions that transform the model.

This deviates slightly from traditional frameworks in the sense that when an action occurs, instead of publishing the updated model itself, the transformation functions are pushed, and the Stream.scan functionality takes care of applying those transformations to the model/state.


The following code is a complete demo implementing a counter, with plus/minus buttons.

import * as m from 'mithril'
import * as ms from 'mithril/stream'

class AppModel {
  counter: number = 0
type ModelUpdateFunction = (model: AppModel) => AppModel
type UpdateStream = ms.Stream<ModelUpdateFunction>

interface MeiosisApp {
  model: () => AppModel
  view: (model: AppModel) => m.Vnode
  render: (el: Element, v: m.Vnode) => void

const createActions = (update: UpdateStream) => ({
  inc: (value: number) => update(model => ({counter: model.counter + value}))

const createApp = (update: UpdateStream): MeiosisApp => {
  const actions = createActions(update)
  return {
    model: () => ({counter: 0}),
    view: (model: AppModel) => m("div", [
      m('p', model.counter),
      m('button', {onclick: () =>}, 'plus'),
      m('button', {onclick: () =>}, 'minus')
    render: (container: Element, v: m.Vnode) => m.render(container, v)

const setupMeiosis = (
  createApp: (s: UpdateStream) => MeiosisApp,
  container: Element
) => {
  const update = ms<ModelUpdateFunction>()
  const modelUpdate = (model: AppModel, fn: ModelUpdateFunction) => fn(model)

  const app = createApp(update)

  const models = ms.scan(modelUpdate, app.model(), update) => app.render(container, app.view(model)))

setupMeiosis(createApp, document.body.querySelector('#app') as Element)

Demo repository on Github


After working with most of the Javascript frameworks the last few years, I enjoy having the following while developing an application:

  • Immutability of state/data
  • Unidirectional flow of data (actions => update state => render updated view => actions)
  • Fast component rendering (the best solutions as of now use virtual dom diffing)

Adopting Meiosis pattern in my applications, means that all of the above are possible, and the only thing tied to a specific framework is really just the view components. Taking the above code, and replacing Mithril with React is just a matter of a few minutes.

I hope that more engineers will start adopting patterns that are applicable to all kinds of Javascript applications instead of focusing on framework specific solutions.